As the end of the vingtaine nears, we begin to see more and more yellow ovals accumulate on our devoir page and there’s a certain panicky atmosphere comparable to a strict night at Greengo. The first vingtaine is the worst in terms of grades for we do not learn much and when, and if we do learn, we are tested on everything in the last week. Some students are frantic about grades, others believe they can save their doomed vingtaine. It’s beautiful what the end of the vingtaine does to people. We’ve seen a multitude of different personalities come out this final week. I have strolled by classes where pitiful girls and boys have been on their knees crying to teachers, begging for that 7.
This week proves that nothing is impossible. A rare ethnically Asian, Hsiao-Chun, got a 3 in maths higher, the PSAT talks about training dogs with ropes and starring competitions, and even the girls might beat the boys in the debate. Just kidding, almost nothing is impossible; that last one was a joke.
One myth that has been proven impossible year after year is the fact that the last week in the vingtaine is the week to save it. “I totally saved my vingtaine by doing really really well on all those tests and projects in the last week!” said no Roséan ever. It’s a legend, a myth, common folklore some veteran students may say. Saving your vigntaine is a myth, do not try, you will not succeed.
Lastly, there should be no complaining since the mid-term break is approaching. The mid-term break is a week where students must relieve themselves of all the built up tension caused by the last week of vingtaine. It will not be surprising when the instagram feed will be constant pictures of beaches, lounges, and for less lucky, visiting colleges. Hashtags will range from “#IdotheIB” to “#TheIBisdoingme!”
You will all be wholeheartedly missed; see you after the holidays.
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