Carefully slicked back hair, starched white shirts and pressed dinner jackets, polished black shoes, an excessive amount of Chanel Bleu and bowties perfectly clipped on, the boys were ready for the night to begin. As we checked in with Mr Pesse on the bus we took a seat, class 1s facing our elder class T brethren. Shortly thereafter departure for the Lausanne Palace, insults concerning the voluptuousness, corpulence, or ignorance of others’ mothers were being dished out like pasta on a Sunday night, which created more of a ‘hype’ atmosphere. It’s a tradition that the class Ts “roast” the class 1s, despite this year resulting somewhat anomalous. Dishing insults came back and forth seeing who can come up with the wittiest comments. Wittiness is measured by the roaring response of “OOOOOing,” by the crowd in the bus. There is no tension in the bus whatsoever; this is truly a time where people can be together, despite of course that these comments are not a reflection of who we are. It is one of those times, where one realizes that they rather be at school than at home, when you wish you could stay longer despite that IB is in full motion and that there are less than two years left.
As we arrived to the Lausanne Palace to greet the girls with roses, we realized that the night was going to be phenomenal. From photographs, to the first drinks of the evening, to sitting down to dinner, the atmosphere was just improving. When desert came, the traditional entertainment started as the awards began. Some awards were embarrassing, some funny, some risqué, nonetheless an experience to remember. To finish night, like moths to bright shining light, people gravitated towards the dance floor. This is truly a time where the suaveness of the boys is expressed as they take the hand of a lady to the dance floor. Dancing their hearts out, the 12:30 bell came around much faster than anticipated. Like an exterminator does to moths, teachers drove us out. Although we were faced to the disappointment of leaving the ball we encountered to a magical scene of snowfall in front of the bright Christmas lights outside the Lausanne Palace. As we waited for the buses to take us back home we stared into the night sky contemplating beautiful scenery. It was truly a night to remember.
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