Défi-sunrise swimming


Every year the students of Rosey have a choice to do Défis, which is a sports event to challenge yourself. There is a choice of about 15 Défis each year. The Défis can be anything from rock climbing to swimming in the lake. The first Défi of the year is the sunrise swimming in the outdoor Rosey pool at 5:45am. For this Défi you have 20 minutes swim as many laps as you can. The Rosey record is currently held by Theophile Clive-Worms who managed 1275m!


Now why would anybody do more Défis than they have too? Well each time you do a Défi your name gets put into a hat, and at the of the year a name is pulled out with a possibility to win a watch. So, the more you do the Défis, the more likely is it to win this watch. It is not every year that there is a watch to be given but it is definitely worth the effort to try and win this watch.


This year’s sunrise swimming défi was a particular challenger, because the students concerned had to be at the pool at 5:45, a time that some would call ‘a bit too early’. The défi went very well, and the swimmers definitely felt it was a défi, though mainly the waking up part…

Written by TheDailyKnight