Effort Grade System
The new addition of the effort and attitude eagles system has been a very one-sided beneficial system; the main group benefiting from this new system is :
the Girls
The reason for this is because of the way which girls and boys are and have always been treated.
Studies show that the boy has always been told not to act like a “teenage boy” and the girl is told not to be influenced or put off track by the boy.
Therefore, since girls are always thought of paying more attention in class it is no surprise that the effort and “attitude” system mirrors this as if the percentages are compared on average girls have more than twice the number of eagles, in class 2 and 3 there are only 2 boys with 3 eagles but there are 22 girls with 3 eagles and the rest of the girls have 2 or at least 1, only 8 girls in passable and 26 boys.
As can be seen there is already one major issue of biased grading which is due to the way of which teachers think or grade both sexes, this results in the first issue of this inaccurate system in which girls are given better grades for the same amount of “effort” or “attitude”.
Another issue is the way in which the system is based on, meaning the fact that the whole system is based on individuals grading you on how much “effort” or “attitude” you put in. The main issue on this is that it is a complete biased and inaccurate system, your basing your system on the judgement of individuals which simply cannot tell how much “effort” or “attitude” you put in, it is a complete flaw and makes little sense as it is founded upon biased opinion which leads to inaccurate results. The main issue is that teachers cannot tell how you feel or how much effort it takes you to do something, it simply is not possible, the teachers aren’t mind readers and give students grades according to how the feel about the person, and not about the supposed effort, as yet again they cannot read minds, they are only humans.
If the system is to be based on the opinion of teachers which is a major factor in our study, and it is ineffective at grading students it must clearly be changed or adapted into a more efficient and accurate system by implementing non-biased grading which is done according to a clear criteria and clear evidence for why the student has been putting effort and shows a positive attitude, and vice versa for the lack of effort and attitude. Although there is already a “clear criteria” most if not all of the criteria in 4/4 is unobtainable, therefore the teachers should have to give “specific” examples of why the student or girl deserves the mark instead.
Also as the effort grades don’t go to your universities, you are putting in more effort to get better effort grades, which could take away from your average.
by Constantin Cartalis
Le traditionnel week-end de connaissance.
En tant que classe 2 et après ma troisième année au Rosey , le weekend de « connaissance » devient pour moi une petite routine, quelque chose que je doit faire tout les ans, avec pour seule surprise des nouveaux élèves avec qui je vais possiblement sympathiser. A chaque fois les filles cherchent à se faire les plus belles possibles, sortant leur plus belles robes pour espérer faire bonne impression la première journée, idem pour les garçons qui eux préfèrent généralement une chemise ainsi qu’un blazer. Le bateau part et laisse un flot de Roséens s’installer sur le pont avant ou arrière, au premier et au deuxième étage. Au fur et a mesure de la soirée, le soleil se couche lentement sur le lac Léman, et laisse place à la fête, la musique se propage a l’intérieur et ravi en même temps les danseurs ainsi que les plus réservés qui eux préfèreront rester dehors, la marche des garçons est aussi un moment ou tout les potins de la soirée sont racontés dans la longue allée de l’entrée du Rosey.
Mais à peine avons nous le temps de respirer que les activités du samedi commencent, avec les mêmes grognements et les mêmes reproches : « il fait pas beau aujourd’hui, ce n’est pas comme ça que nous allons apprendre à nous connaitre, ca sert a quoi de faire ca, c’est trop fatiguant… » Pour au final garder des souvenirs impérissables ainsi que des moments de rigolades pendant et après l’activité.
A peine après être rentré, nous devons vite nous préparer pour la première vraie disco du Rosey qui est aussi une des meilleures. Petit à petit, les cadets iront sur leur étage, puis les jeunes seniors et enfin les seniors, voici l’histoire de ce week-end de connaissance.
On the expedition to Leysin, half the class met at 10 am in the Rosey car park. After a one and a half hour drive, we finally arrived in time for lunch, where we ate Rosey sandwiches. They split us up again and my group went to do a via ferrata, which is a type of rock climbing, except for the fact that we were implanted on a cliff with metal bars to cling onto. We were given helmets and harnesses and the objective was to climb about ten meters above the ground and do different activities whilst climbing sideways. It took us two hours. Once we were down, the guides told us to go back to the start and wait for everyone else. Five seconds later we had walked to the beginning of the course. The rest of the group in the meantime were rock climbing. We met up with the rest of the group and then walked back to the hotel. After a delicious dinner of steak and potatoes, Mr. Williams walked us to the train station to get hot chocolate. We were woken up at 7:30 and I was exhausted and my arms were aching. We went down and got some breakfast, made our sandwich lunch and went off rock climbing. I was nervous, as you had to trust a friend to hold you in case you slipped. From the bottom, it looked easy but I didn’t realise how physically tiring it was. In my opinion, it was more fun than the via ferrata as you got to try easier and harder levels, but not everyone agreed with me. The rest of the group came and ate with us and we left Leysin at 2:15pm to arrive back at Rosey at 3:30pm.
by Thalia Clive-Worms
Défi-sunrise swimming
Every year the students of Rosey have a choice to do Défis, which is a sports event to challenge yourself. There is a choice of about 15 Défis each year. The Défis can be anything from rock climbing to swimming in the lake. The first Défi of the year is the sunrise swimming in the outdoor Rosey pool at 5:45am. For this Défi you have 20 minutes swim as many laps as you can. The Rosey record is currently held by Theophile Clive-Worms who managed 1275m!
Now why would anybody do more Défis than they have too? Well each time you do a Défi your name gets put into a hat, and at the of the year a name is pulled out with a possibility to win a watch. So, the more you do the Défis, the more likely is it to win this watch. It is not every year that there is a watch to be given but it is definitely worth the effort to try and win this watch.
This year’s sunrise swimming défi was a particular challenger, because the students concerned had to be at the pool at 5:45, a time that some would call ‘a bit too early’. The défi went very well, and the swimmers definitely felt it was a défi, though mainly the waking up part…
Monsieur Cinéma
The James Bond series ranges from “Hey, that was pretty good” to “Hey, that was pretty terrible”. Having seen all 24 Bond films, I am a big fan of the series. 2012’s “Skyfall” really developed the character of James Bond like no other film has, Sam Mendes gave him a backstory and he was more than just a secret agent. “Spectre” was very anticipated by many a filmgoer, and I must say I had a blast with “Spectre”. Daniel Craig is back as Bond and does a pretty good job with the character as usual, but the highlight of the film for me was definitely Christoph Waltz’s Franz Oberhauser that was truly great casting for a great villain. French actress Léa Seydoux as Madeleine Swann plays an interesting and badass love interest for Bond. The cinematography was pretty good for the most part. My one problem with this film was the script it was too predictable and it did drag on for a bit halfway through. All in all Spectre was a very enjoyable film. It wasn't as good as “Skyfall” or “Casino Royale” but it was way better than “Quantum of Solace”.
Grade: Privilege
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